Southampton Greenworks

Eco-Sustainability is our Business

Southampton Greenworks Goes Live!

We’re finally ready for our first season! Southampton Greenworks, based in Southampton, Ontario, is a new start-up in the eco-economy. Our mission is to provide “green” services to local residents who may not have the time or equipment to be carbon-free. That’s where we can help!

We order native species tree seedlings annually from Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority (check out the SVCA link on our links page), pick them up in our SMART car, then provide local planting services and sales. We’ll keep some in our nursery and gradually build up stock of larger specimens. Our bicycle trailer deliveries, or SMART car deliveries for larger loads, ensure no fossil fuel emissions. We’re the first in the area to deliver carbon-free services and we’re very much hoping to start a trend.

Due to our erratic weather recently, the growing season is getting off to a late start. We’ll have potted plants for pollinator and butterfly gardens, but they may not be available until June, depending on … dare I say it, “Snow”. However, we’re taking orders.

This year’s favourite is the Maximilian Sunflower which we have propagated ourselves. It’s a hardy, drought resistant plant native to the prairies but does well in our region. These perennials are especially suitable along fences where they can be tied; some of them will reach heights of 6 feet or more. They will spread by root tubers and provide a sea of bright yellow blooms from August to early October.

As the season progresses we’ll post more news of our projects and plans. This week is Earth week and the Saugeen Shores clean-up, so our next blog will show some results.

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