Southampton Greenworks

Eco-Sustainability is our Business

How Green is Nuclear Power?

The colour palette for energy generation ranges from green to black – theoretically. Warming each other through body heat or standing in the sunlight is deep green. So is going outside to cool off. Riding a bike is more of a fern Read more…


We all know that 1+2=3. Basic arithmetic. We have Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical principles of Natural Philosophy) as our primer on math, but where is the primer on ecology? Look up ecologica on the web and you’ll find Read more…

Green Engineering in a Grey World

Green engineering or Eco-Engineering means aiming for “green” or zero-carbon footprint through the project lifecycle.  Not easy with most of our modern “grey” infrastructure, but there are improvements we can achieve. First, be aware of the eco-limitations.  The main one is Read more…