Southampton Greenworks

Eco-Sustainability is our Business

Ecologica 3

Morality. What? Are we kidding?  No, we’re not kidding.  These days, “morality” is not a frequent word in casual conversation, but back in the day when religion had more sway in our culture, morality was a more common topic of thought and Read more…

Ecologica 2

In the spirit of Slaughterhouse 5, I dedicate this installment to Time. Starting point: We’ve been unbalancing the ecosphere since we learned to control fire. That’s a lot of carbon added to the atmosphere. Nature can withstand the occasional volcanic Read more…

Litter Cleanup – Spring 2018

There’s not much to say about this. The unplanned by-product of consumerism is garbage.  Note how brittle the plastic cups are.  Most of the plastic trash becomes micro-plastics from exposure to UV and mechanical breakage. In the Spring thaw and Read more…


We all know that 1+2=3. Basic arithmetic. We have Newton’s Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical principles of Natural Philosophy) as our primer on math, but where is the primer on ecology? Look up ecologica on the web and you’ll find Read more…