Southampton Greenworks

Eco-Sustainability is our Business

In Praise of Boredom

Need something to pass the time during the lockdown? Here’s one idea that uses no carbon and costs nothing: Find Boredom. Seriously? Yes, seriously. Boredom is undervalued. Nowadays, it’s hard to feel bored because there is too much pablumedia (pablum Read more…

Ecologica 3

Morality. What? Are we kidding?  No, we’re not kidding.  These days, “morality” is not a frequent word in casual conversation, but back in the day when religion had more sway in our culture, morality was a more common topic of thought and Read more…

Ecologica 2

In the spirit of Slaughterhouse 5, I dedicate this installment to Time. Starting point: We’ve been unbalancing the ecosphere since we learned to control fire. That’s a lot of carbon added to the atmosphere. Nature can withstand the occasional volcanic Read more…

Ditch Clean-up – Presentation to Saugeen Shores Council planned for Fall 2018

This presentation is about the benefits of small-scale community action to remove litter from roadside ditches.  Three formats are attached: PDF, PPSX (slideshow), and WMV (video) The presentation contains two images created by others: Slide 37: Courtesy of Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority Read more…

How Green is Nuclear Power?

The colour palette for energy generation ranges from green to black – theoretically. Warming each other through body heat or standing in the sunlight is deep green. So is going outside to cool off. Riding a bike is more of a fern Read more…

Material from the Lake Huron Centre for Coastal Conservation – Biennial Conference 2018-May

These are photos of display boards and print materials from the conference.  A number of presentations were given,  Check the LHCCC website for info.

Presentation on Surface Water Quality – SRA AGM 2018

Southampton Shoreline Water – SRA AGM 2018   This presentation requires a lot of narrative from the presenter, so it’s not a standalone piece.  However, feel free to use it as resource material, or contact Rob to arrange a presentation.

Litter Cleanup – Spring 2018

There’s not much to say about this. The unplanned by-product of consumerism is garbage.  Note how brittle the plastic cups are.  Most of the plastic trash becomes micro-plastics from exposure to UV and mechanical breakage. In the Spring thaw and Read more…

The Modern Guide to Sane Living – Part 1

How often do we recite our credos? How many of us even have a credo? FYI, a credo is a brief statement of one’s world-view. For example: Work Smart, Be Efficient, Finish What We Start, Look After Those We Love, Read more…