Southampton Greenworks

Eco-Sustainability is our Business

Dogwood, Red Osier


Latin name: Cornus serica; Cornus Stolonifera:
French name: Hart rouge
Synonym(s): Red Willow Dogwood (not a true willow)
Common name: Red-Osier Dogwood

Grows well in a wide range of soils, moderately wet or seasonal flooding. Prefers full sun but survives in partial shade.

Soil Types: Grows in a variety of soil types. Sunlight: Full or partial.

Spacing : 3 ft. Height: 8 ft. Spread: 6.5 ft.

Notes: Provides excellent wildlife habitat and shelter for small mammals and birds. Provides forage for deer and rabbits, and summer food for robins, cedar waxwings and game birds. The flowers are a spring pollen and nectar source for bees and other insects.

Uses: The shallow and extensive root system helps stabilize streambanks. Reduces soil erosion and blowing snow. Thin branches are extremely flexible and can be used for weaving baskets, hats, chairs, etc. Bark has analgesic and astringent properties, berries in a poultice relieve effects of poison ivy.

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Bare Root, Planted, Potted


1-2 ft tall, 2-3 ft tall, 3-4 ft tall, 4-5 ft tall, 5-6 ft tall, 6-7 ft tall, 7-8 ft tall, 8-9 ft tall, 9-10 ft tall


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